Septic Inspections

Hire us to conduct a septic system inspection in Kokomo, IN

Your septic system is responsible for receiving, treating and disposing of unwanted wastewater and solids on your property. You could be facing costly damage if your septic tank is damaged. Hire Spec1 Inspection Services in Kokomo, Indiana to perform a septic inspection. We’ll evaluate the condition of your septic system and tell you if you should get it repaired or replaced.

Contact us today to receive a septic system inspection estimate in Kokomo, Indiana.

Get honest answers and practical solutions

You can count on us to advise you on the best way to resolve your septic issues. When we perform your septic system inspection, we’ll determine:

  1. If the baffles are connected to your septic tank’s inlet and outlet pipes.
  2. How high the sludge level is and if your tank needs to be pumped.
  3. If your septic system is large enough for your property size.
  4. Whether the pump chambers are damaged and need to be replaced.

Take care of septic system problems before they get out of hand. Call 765-461-6088 now to arrange for your septic inspection.

Septic Tank Inspecions